C’mon in!  It’s week 1 of 4 in Love like a Carnivalista and the topic – Self love is selfish? Nope. Loving yourself isn’t wrong (and here’s why).

This is a 2 part series.  Today I’ll cover why self love is important (spoiler alert: I will get personal) and 1 myth.  Next week’s video will cover 2 more myths

Myth #1:

Self love means neglecting others  

    • This myth really gets me going!  Why is it as women, when we think of doing something only for us, we’re immediately told it’s selfish?
    • As I mentioned in the video, the definitions of self love and selfish are completely different.  These 2 definitions are also not meshed together for men as they are for women.
    • Here’s the truth: Loving yourself does not mean you’re neglecting others.
    • Nurturing your well-being and happiness does not mean you’re selfish!  Say it with me!
    • When you love your self, it allows for better upport and care of others.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”  I like to say, “Loving yourself gives you more abundance to love others.”
    • When you love your self, you:
      • Set healthier boundaries
      • Have better relationships/situations that don’t exploit or harm you
      • The benefits of this go on and on!

      Now over to you:

      • Tired of being at the bottom of your list and ready to show yourself some love?  Comment below and let me know.
      • My next FREE webinar will be about 3 Insider Secrets for Booking Affordable Luxury Caribbean GetawaysClick here to sign up.
      • And finally, if you want more videos like this, plus travel hacks and more, then get in touch and sign up for my FREE training: 3 Keys To Living a Life of MOREClick here to do that (it’s FREE!)

      Huggin’ you up…


      About Esha:  Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle.  While traveling to see 5 out of 7 continents, she has unlocked her self love and teaches others to do the same.  She’s passionate about loving yourself through amazing travel.  To learn more, visit her website: click here.

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