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Hi there! If you’ve ever thought, “I need to do everything myself” and have a hard time trusting others to do even small things for you, watch this video.

Here are the tips I mentioned in the video:

  • Tip 1: Not asking for help leads to exhaustion.
  • Tip 2: Always caring for others can lead to neglecting your own self care.  YOU DESERVE TO BE SUPPORTED.  Millionaires and soon to be millionaires have people in their corner helping them, so why shouldn’t you?  You also don’t need to wear yourself out to deserve rest.  It’s okay to take a break just because you want to.
  • Tip 3: Delegate with clear instruction & intention.
  • Tip 4: Avoid passive requests for help. Be direct & specific!
  • Tip 5: Reframe your mindset from “I have to do everything myself” to “I can be fully supported”.
  • Tip 6: Decide and communicate what you will stop doing.
  • Tip 7: Stop yourself from automatically doing the thing that you need help with.
  • Tip 8: Recognize when you’re volunteering ‘free’ or ‘invisible labor’.

Always remember to be patient with yourself. It takes time and continuous effort to change habits!

Now over to you:

If you love the concepts I mentioned in this video, but have no idea how to get started, then stay tuned.  Our soon to be announced community is one where you can get the support you deserve, learn in a safe space with other women AND travel!

Get in touch and sign up for my FREE training: 3 Keys To Living a Life of MOREClick here to do that (it’s FREE!)

Now tell me: which of these tips are a good reminder for you?  Leave me a comment below!

Thanks for watching and reading…


About Esha:  Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle.  While traveling to see 5 out of 7 continents, she has unlocked her self love and teaches others to do the same.  She’s passionate about loving yourself through amazing travel.  To learn more, visit her website: click here.

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