Hi there! It’s your girl Esha here of Carnivalista Lifestyle.  Watch this video for 6 tips to create your own fairy tale magic.  Enjoy 🙂 

Remember:  The fairytale is already yours! You don’t have to ask for permission for it and you don’t have to sacrifice yourself for it. 

Always act “As If” – tips mentioned in de video

  • Tip #1: Release your inner fairy godmother: use your inner belief that fairy tale magic can happen.  This is your advantage!
  • Tip#2: Change your mindset: believe that you can do everything that you set out to do. That means NO SELF DOUBT.  And even when self doubt happens, it’s okay.  Catch the doubting thought and change it to something positive that’s aligned with what you desire.
  • Tip#3: Act like you already have what you want: stay positive!  The world will respond to the positive energy that you put out there.
  • Tip#4: challenge negative judgements with self-accountability: instead of blaming others, think about what I could have done differently. 
  • Tip#5: Stop speaking negatively of others: if you continue to put negative energy into the world , it’s likely that’s what you’ll get back. 
  • Tip#6: speak of what you DESIRE in life: write it down and say it loud!  The power of your tongue is real. Start using positive words and actions to reach your goals. 

Also: remember to start speaking  in ABUNDANCE. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the changes you’ll start to see!

Now over to you:

Which of these tips are a good reminder for you?  Leave me a comment below!

For more tips like these, sign up for my FREE training: 3 Keys To Living a Life of MOREClick here to do that (it’s FREE!)

Thanks for watching and reading…



About Esha:  Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle.  While traveling to see 5 out of 7 continents, she has unlocked her self love and teaches others to do the same.  She’s passionate about loving yourself through amazing travel.  To learn more, visit her website: click here.

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