Hello, hello, hello! I hope you’re staying warm wherever you are. This week I’m back with part 3 of How I Met My Husband. I’m also finally ready to unveil our upcoming Galentine’s Breakfast Party! Watch this week’s video for more…
What I mentioned in de video:
- The 3rd thing I did before I met my hubby was have fun! I’m sure you were not expecting dat one, right?
- When I think back to the really monumental shifts throughout my life, they have all involved me having fun. In regard to relationships, after my breakup in 2005 with my ex, I realized I wasn’t having fun. So, I deliberately set out to have fun in ways that I never did before.
- I started a book club, did cooking classes and became interested in things outside of my comfort zone, especially social situations with other people. This broadened my horizons and started wiring my brain differently. That’s what having fun does!
- And we already know what benefits smiling and laughing has for us, so what do you have to lose? Get out there and have fun!
Now over to you:
- I’m on a mission to get 500 YouTube subscribers. Help me nah? Subscribe today; click here.
- Tickets for our Galentine’s Breakfast Party drop on Saturday Jan 25, so mark your calendar! If you’re not on the list, get on it by signing up for my FREE training: 3 Keys To Living a Life of MORE. Click here to do that (it’s FREE!)
Stay tuned for Countdown to Carnival! I’m heading to Trinidad Carnival in February and am taking you along for all of de getting ready.
I’ll also do 1 more installment of How I Met My Husband (this will be Part 4)…
As always, huggin’ you up…

About Esha: Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle. While traveling to see 5 out of 7 continents, she has unlocked her self love and teaches others to do the same. She’s passionate about loving yourself through amazing travel. To learn more, visit her website: click here.