Wow. This Read Like a Carnivalista Series has been so amazing to share! Lately, the act of showing up has been on my mind. So, I couldn’t wait to share part 3 and talk about the importance of this topic. The bonus is, this book can change your life AND your business finances, so it’s a goodie.
Wait. In case you missed parts 1 and 2, see the links below:
And here’s the 3rd book and how it ties back to the importance of showing up…
Why you should read Profit 1st:
- You need to read this book if you’re an entrepreneur (full-time or side hustle) and your business is “eating you alive”. Also, if you’re not getting paid from your business activities, you need to read it as well.
- The bonus is: once your finances improve, you change your life!
My biggest takeaway from Profit 1st and the impact it’s had on my life:
- The biggest takeaway for me was implementing a system to handle the incoming revenue from my business. You’re thinking, “What’s the big deal? Money comes in and goes out.”
- It IS A BIG DEAL! With lumping everything, you’re paying yourself last with whatever is left over. Once you read this book, no more!
- In terms of impact, once I had the system implemented and had the set schedule to not just look at my money but also to allocate it and pay myself, the impact was immediate. I had a much better idea of where my money was going and I was getting paid from my business. Change your life by sleeping better? Yes, please!
Now over to you:
- Comment below with a book that has changed your life!
- Grab your copy of Mike’s book, Profit 1st by clicking here. While you’re at it, The Pumpkin Plan and Toilet Paper Entrepreneur are good reads as well.
- My upcoming program, HabitShift365: Empowering Women For Lasting Change is almost here. Get what you desire with my proven method – Plan, Systems and Support. Sign up for our freebie below to get on the list!
- And finally, if you want more videos like this, plus travel hacks and more, then get in touch and sign up for my FREE training: 3 Keys To Living a Life of MORE. Click here to do that (it’s FREE!)
Huggin’ you up…

About Esha: Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle. While traveling to see 5 out of 7 continents, she has unlocked her self love and teaches others to do the same. She’s passionate about loving yourself through amazing travel. To learn more, visit her website: click here.