Hi there! Wondering if being a late bloomer is a bad thing? This is the video for you. I went live today to talk about a chapter in my book, Carnivalista Lifestyle and my late bloomer tendencies 🙂
Tek a watch below:
Here’s the main takeaway I need you to understand:
- It’s never too late to do and have what you really desire. As women, we have so many timelines imposed on us! A few of them are: when to “settle down”, when to have children and even the decision to have children at all. These are all arbitrary timelines imposed by someone else on you.
- The first step is figuring out what you really want though. Once you know exactly what you desire, then go after it with everything you’ve got!
- As a proud late bloomer, I have done everything in life later than everyone else. And I still have many dreams and desries I’m working on and on my own timeline.
- Throw all timelines out the window; go after what you really desire today!
Now over to you:
- Are you a late bloomer too? Tell me more in the comments below!
- Grab your copy of my book, Carnivalista Lifestyle by clicking here.
- My upcoming program, HabitShift365: Empowering Women For Lasting Change is almost here. Get what you desire with my proven method – Plan, Systems and Support. Sign up for our freebie below to get on the list!
- And finally, if you want more videos like this, plus travel hacks and more, then get in touch and sign up for my FREE training: 3 Keys To Living a Life of MORE. Click here to do that (it’s FREE!)
Huggin’ you up…

About Esha: Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle. While traveling to see 5 out of 7 continents, she has unlocked her self love and teaches others to do the same. She’s passionate about loving yourself through amazing travel. To learn more, visit her website: click here.