Hey it’s your girl Esha here and welcome to Carnivalista Lifestyle! And today I’m sharing my the recording of my latest webinar – Travel and Self Love in a Post Pandemic World.
I had so much fun doing this webinar; it’s been a while! In it, I share 2 super easy ways to bring international travel and self love back into your life. We can all use this back after the pandemic right?
Tek a watch below:
About Travel and Self Love Post Pandemic
As a busy, professional woman myself, I wanted to make these tips as easy as possible for you to start the process of bringing travel and self love back into your life post pandemic.
After the last 2-3 years we’ve all been through, I’m sure international travel and even thinking about putting yourself first seems like an impossible task. As I shared in the video, I’ve been there too.
The key is small shifts and baby steps.
As I suggested, taking even 5 minutes to dream and think about and feeling good, will go a long way towards making a positive change for you.
Next steps
If the 2 tips I shared in this video sounded good to you and you’re ready to really getaway post pandemic, then Ultimate Girls Getaway is the retreat for you! Check out the retreat details and see what you’ll get right now.
Click here to see the details of Ultimate Girls Getaway 2024
If you’re not on our mailing list already, you can do that on this webpage too.
Now over to you: Were my 2 tips helpful? Leave me a comment below.
Remember, you deserve love, happiness and Carnival!

About Esha: Esha Herbert-Davis is the Carnivalista in Chief of the Carnivalista Lifestyle. She’s a travel consultant for professional black women who take care of everyone else and want to put themselves first in spite of society telling them they should be at the bottom of their list
To learn more, click here to visit her website.