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Discover the 3 Keys to Living a Life of MORE

Unlock simple, easy strategies to create the life you’ve always dreamed of

Introducing my free training & checklist

3 Keys To Living a Life of MORE


  • A video detailing the 3 steps needed to easily implement anything you want in your life
  • An easy checklist for you to follow.  Keep it on your device to stay consistent!

Get 3 Keys to:

  • Keep moving toward the life you truly desire
  • Get motivated to take action – it’s time to stop planning and start doing
  • See clear, actionable examples of how you can apply the 3 Keys to transform your life

Your Keys to Success are here!

My mission is to help you live the abundant life you desire!

Hey, I’m Esha, your go-to mentor for getting what you really desire out of life.

As a mompreneur, international best-selling author, wife, honest mentor and avid traveler (whose been to 5 of the 7 continents),  I have learned so much about life.  And I want to share it all with you.

Where I am today is not where I came from.  I have overcome many situations that could have directed a completely different outcome of my life, from sexual abuse to the loss of a child to toxic relationships.

I also come from a Trinidadian single mother,  who thankfully taught me resilience through anything and everything #growingupcaribbean

Where you are is not where you must stay.  Take the first step toward what you really desire by signing up for 3 Keys to Living a Life of MORE!

Huggin’ you up,

Let’s recap what you’ll get…

3 Keys To Living a Life of MORE


  • A video detailing the 3 steps needed to easily implement anything you want in your life
  • An easy to follow checklist.  Keep it on your device to stay consistent!

Your Benefits in a Nutshell:

  • Move toward the life you want
  • Get motivated and start taking action
  • Apply the 3 Keys with clear, actionable steps

Get 3 Keys to Living a Life of MORE!

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Carnivalista Lifestyle