HabitShift365 Beta

Empowering Women For Lasting Change with

A Plan | Systems | and Support

Tired of trying…and trying…and trying…to get to your vision

only to be disappointed with yourself and your mediocre results?

It’s not you.  Really.

the fact is: there is a proven method where you can guarantee your success in your wellness activities and other areas in your life

You need a plan, you need a system to keep working the plan and then you need support to keep you going!

intrigued?  read on to learn more.

what is habitshift365?

it’s the solution you need to:

1. identify one thing you truly desire that will have the most impact on your life now.  this is the vision you have for yourself, but you have no idea how to get there.

2. get help creating a plan to make it a reality.

3. set up systems and habits that will push you towards your desire, even when you don’t feel like it.

4. tap into a support network of women just like you.  no drama.  just understanding and gentle encouragement in a safe space.

5. celebrate!  when your desire is achieved, celebrate with your sisters in a luxurious setting, fully stepping into the vision you have for your abundant life!

What you’ll get


A mentoring community that can fit into your packed schedule

Help!  There’s no need for you to struggle on your own

A “shame-free” space for you – a high achieving black woman – to just be

Consistent time with a mentor with over 20 years of experience to hold you accountable

who’s your mentor?

In 2006, I was right where you are & felt how you feel. I, like you – was tired of being tired.

At the root of all my pain was the gut-wrenching truth that I didn’t love myself and I didn’t know what to do about it.  Needing some time away, I booked a trip.

What began an escape, eventually evolved into a journey of self-love, self-awareness, liberation &  courage to prioritize my wellness activities.  Through my travels, I regained my strength & fell in love with me!  I also developed a method to bring my life vision into reality.

HabitShift365 is part mentoring program, part travel adventure – all you taking baby steps towards your vision with a plan, systems and support.  I created HabitShift365 for you to bring your life’s vision into reality.

It’s about time to get excited about your life


Here’s what others say about working with me!

Social Proof

“I was struggling with figuring out how to start working on my weight loss goals, and during our session, Esha helped me think about the challenge in a new way—by starting with small steps. After our time together, I felt very empowered and encouraged to begin implementing the plan. I left the session feeling lighter, and like my goal was not only achievable but also very doable.”

Go Get It Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does HabitShift365 work?

It starts with your focus.  You will pick the one thing you really desire to work on over the next 30 days.  As the saying goes, “Attention flows where attention goes.”  This is why one thing is selected to focus on.

Next, we will work together to create your plan during your 1st group session.  We’ll also identify what systems you need to put in place.  Systems will keep you moving forward when your willpower runs out!

And finally, the support of your assigned HabitShift365 partner and your mentoring circle will be invaluable.  When you have “no motivation days”, your partner and circle will encourage you to keep going.  If you’ve been a high achiever, you know what it’s like to go it alone without support.  That stops here!

This sounds amazing! How do I reserve my spot?

The application process for HabitShift365 Beta is a 2-part process.  First, you’ll schedule a no-obligation Discovery Session with me via Zoom.  I want to ensure the program is a good fit for everyone who is interested.

We’ll have a 20 minute discovery call to determine if we’re a good fit to work together and can achieve your vision within the alloted timeframe.

At the end of our Discovery Session, you’ll pay the investment if you’re ready to move forward.  You’ll then complete the HabitShift365 agreement.  All mentoring materials will be shared at that time and you’ll prepare for the 1st group session.  Prior to the 1st group session, our WhatsApp group will be started so you can get daily support from your sisters!

What about flights and airport shuttles?

This Beta version of HabitShift365 will not require a flight since it’s all virtual.  The next round of HabitShift365 will have a travel component, so we will share details at that time.

One of our bonuses will require you to travel if you’re not located in the Triangle, NC.  If you need assistance with accommodations and flights, we can certainly assist you with this!

What’s your refund policy?

Due to the nature of the HabitShift365 Beta Program, any payments made towards the program are non-refundable.

If you decide to save money by paying in full and you need to terminate your participation in HabitShift365 Beta, we can work with you to join the next cohort of the program depending on when your cancellation is received in writing.

If you decide to do our Easy Payment Plan and wish to terminate your participation and this intention is made in writing in HabitShift365 Beta, all payments made prior to your written cancellation are non-refundable.  Your access to all program materials, the WhatsApp group will be immediately terminated.  All coordination of in-person program components will also cease.

What if international travel is restricted due to the pandemic?

International travel is not required with the beta HabitShift365.  However, we will adhere to CDC travel guidelines and communicate with attendees accordingly if needed.

I’ll be coming to the HabitShift365 alone. Can you find a roommate for me?

Absolutely!  We’ve worked with several of our clients over the years to match them up with roommates.  Here’s how it works: when we get 2 people looking for a roommate, we’ll reach out to you both via email so you can connect.  You’ll then decide if you’d like to talk over the phone or even meet up if you’re in the same city!  With a roommate, you can take advantage of our double occupancy pricing. 

You may also want to consider a single occupancy package if you’d prefer to room alone.  See the single supplement information above in the HabitShift365 Experience section for details.

Can I just attend the events and not purchase the rest of the package?

Unfortunately not.  We want to ensure you have an amazing retreat experience.  As such, our packages are sold as is.

what you get with

habitshift365 beta

  • The HabitShift365 Beta will run for 6 weeks from Nov 10 to Dec 15, 2024.  There will be a break during the week of American Thanksgiving
  • The 6-week mentoring program will be held virtually, once a week on a Sunday from 2-3 pm.  These sessions are meant to be your “pep-talk” before starting your work week!  Check out the details below:
    • Week 1 – Nov 10: meet and greet
    • Week 2 – Nov 17: setting your intention and your plan
    • Week 3 – Nov 24: developing your systems to support the plan
    • Week 4 – Dec 1: break during Thanksgiving week
    • Week 5 – Dec 8: getting specific about your support
    • Week 6 – Dec 15: celebration and reaffirming your commitment
  • In between mentoring sessions, you’ll have “lovework” and the support of your HabitShift365 sisters via a WhatsApp group
  • Speaking of support, in your WhatsApp group, you’ll also get affirmations to keep you moving forward and staying positive
  • All sessions will be held live via Zoom and will also be recorded.  You are encouraged to attend the live sessions to get the most our of our time together!

Somebody say Bonuses?

And now for the fun stuff!  Here are your bonuses for joining the HabitShift365 Beta:


Bonus #1:

You’ll get an Ultimate Raleigh Carnival 2025 weekend pass!

You didn’t think we could do this without a Carnival, did you?

Includes your backline costume and a fete ticket at Raleigh Carnival in August 2025


Bonus #2:

Your HabitShift365 Love Yourself Kit

Luxurious goodies will be delivered right to your doorstep to indulge your wellness activities during the 6 weeks of the program!


Bonus #3:

Exclusive access to HabitShift365 workshops, designed for you

For example, if your intention is to feel healthier in your body, we’ll give you access to a workshop with a fitness expert to give you specialized tips.

Next steps

1. Click here to apply to the HabitShift365 Program. With your application, book your FREE Discovery Session with me & get the 3 Keys to Living a Life of MORE FREE Training and Checklist.

2. Share HabitShift365 with yuh frien’ an dem!

3. Get ready to do the work AND have fun!

Fill out my online form.