Let’s Build Your Travel Fairy Tale…

A Liberating Solo Journey Free From

Judgement & Expectations!

You’re here because you’re tired.

Tired of…

– Going through the motions of life.

– Filling other’s cup while yours is empty.

– Being everything to everyone & neglecting your needs, wants & desires.

– Dead end friendships & relationships.

You’re here because you’re tired.

Tired of…

– Going through the motions of life.

– Filling other’s cup while yours is empty.

– Being everything to everyone & neglecting your needs, wants & desires.

– Dead end friendships & relationships.

and you know there has to be more!

There is more!


It’s a Lifestyle…

The Carnivalista Lifestyle!

Travel is the key to unlocking the love you’ve always wanted.

In 2006, I was right where you are & felt how you feel. I like you, was tired of being tired.

At the root of all my pain was the gut-wrenching truth that I didn’t love myself.

Needing some time away, I booked a trip.

What began an escape, eventually evolved into a journey of self-love, self-awareness, & liberation.

Through my travels, I regained my strength & fell in love with me!

I started The Carnivalisata Lifestyle for you to do the same—heal & feel again.

The love you desire is within you.

Would you like to reclaim it?

It’s time to tap into the freedom

of TRULY loving yourself!

Join the mailing list to get the tools to enhance your self-love delivered to your inbox!

To help get you started, I created a FREE training – 3 Keys to Living a Life of MORE

This FREE video training and checklist gives you the 3 super SIMPLE and easy Keys that I used to get more in my life!

Learn the lifestyle

Get Your Copy Today!

Take the first step of your journey to a life of MORE.  Get on the Carnivalista Lifestyle email list for your FREE training and checklist!

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